Buy Shih Tzu puppies for sale online in India at best price
Contact us to buy Shih Tzu puppies for sale. The most charming, cute as a button, lovable and supremely appealing are the Shih Tzu Puppies and Dogs. Shih Tzu dog for sale are strong, albeit teeny – weeny, little pooches who were primarily developed in Tibet, and hence the breed name is literally pronounced as the “Hsi Shih dog”, or Shih-tzu Kou in the traditional Chinese language, or simply the Shittsu, as we commonly address them.
These fur balls have a small muzzle with extremely attractive and big, beautiful dark brown eyes. Their very breed name that is “Shih Tzu” alludes to little lion, but however the buy Shih Tzu puppies for sale is not at all ferocious or savage. On the contrary, these Shih Tzu dogs and puppies are rather extremely happy and of sweet, lovable and gentle nature. Shih Tzu for sale also have extremely appealing double coat with hair that are usually very soft and long. However a Shih Tzu’s coat might not be like that of a Pekingese, a dog breed that usually has extremely long and lengthy hair, but with shorter legs.
Physical Characteristics of Shih Tzu puppies for sale
The Shih Tzu dog for sale is a beautiful and a supremely adorable looking dog, albeit it doesn’t only possess unparalleled exotic charm but also has a compact solid and a sound structure. The body length of a Shih Tzu dog is a bit greater as compared to its height, but these dogs have overall well proportioned bodies that is neither too short, and nor too small, but the Shih Tzus are actual miniature breed dogs.
Shih Tzus also have a relatively shorter and a broader skull and are hence brachycephalic dogs with a flat nose and muzzle, albeit not as flat as that of the Pekingese dogs. A Shih Tzu would also have wide and round almond shaped eyes, but their eyes do not bulge out and are not a very prominent feature but their innocent wide eyes demonstrate their supreme love, trustworthiness and friendliness towards their masters.
A Shih Tzu has a dense, double layered, extremely lustrous and full, wavy hair that grows straight and long, even past the buy Shih Tzu puppy online feet. Frequent and regular grooming is ergo a compulsion that needs to be taken care of, by a Shih Tzu parent as a Shih Tzus coat might get entangled and matted, if not groomed.

- However it is also pertinent to mention that unlike other dense coat dogs, a Shih Tzu naturally sheds very little hair, that too only when bathed or brushed, and this hence makes a Shih Tzu dog an ideal pet for people who have mild allergies against dog hair, or even for those individuals who prefer to not clean up a lot of dog hair from their clothes or
In- Depth Temperament Analysis of Shih Tzu For Sale
The temperament of a Shih Tzu puppy or a dog for sale in India Delhi is unequivocally extremely gregarious and this breed is generally too trusting in nature. Your Shih Tzu pooch would fall in love with a stranger within no time, and would jump on his lap, also your munchkin won’t shy away from approaching another canine as that’s exactly how a Shih Tzu is – supremely loving, trusting and also audacious as these little fur balls are confidant creatures who don’t hesitate in expressing themselves.
A Shih Tzu might be a teeny- weeny adorable tiny sized pooch, but don’t go on their size as they have a loud and big personality. A Shih Tzu is an affectionate and a sweet natured canine, but however it is pertinent to mention that unlike most other toy breed dogs, a Shih Tzu is less yappy and less demanding by nature. These pooches are regal and majestic fur babies who, with their antics would win over the heart of their master within no time, and these Shih Tzu puppies for sale.
Common Health Ailments in Shih Tzu Puppy For Sale
The Shih Tzu dog breed is generally a strong and a robust, healthy dog breed but there are few health ailments that a Shih Tzu dog might be susceptible to.
Some of these intimidating health troubles are Keratitis, Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), Proptosis, Hip Dysplasia, Collapsing Trachea, Intervertebral Disk Disease, frequent Ear Infections, Patellar Luxation, Hypothyroidism, Stenotic Nares and also a Shih Tzu dog for sale in delhi is vulnerable to allergies against airborne allergens like dust or pollen, and even though this is not life threatening, but it can definitely make your Shih Tzu munchkin quite uncomfortable.
It is however important to note that most of the aforementioned health troubles that pester a Shih Tzu can be completely evaded or at least minimized by way of a balanced diet and good nutrition, regular check ups from a veterinarian and also proper exercise. Furthermore, one must always ensure to get their purebred Shih Tzu puppy or dog only from a careful and a responsible breeder as several health issues can be completely avoided only if a Shih Tzu is initially raised in s nurturing environment by some trustworthy and an experienced breeder, and not forcefully bred.
We at mydogs are your one stop shop, and unquestionably your go to people when it comes to puppies and dogs, as we would be glad to assist you get the most healthy, sweet and fit as a fiddle, adorable Shih Tzu puppy or Shih Tzu dog for sale all across India, along with PAN India delivery.
We are a close knitted, and a small team of animal and dog lovers, and with our years of practical, hands-on experience, we would help you get the most chummy and cute as a button, up to snuff Shih Tzu puppy or Shih Tzu dog. You may be in any part of India, but you can just sit back home and our team would help you buy a Shih Tzu puppy or buy a Shih Tzu dog online, post which we assure you that you would be next finding your gorgeously healthy and sweet little teeny – weeny munchkin right at your doorstep, anxiously waiting to jump on you, and to greet you with his wagging tail and round, admirable eyes. We also assure you that your cute little fella would be delivered to you in absolute pink of health.
We at mydogs would be happy to assist you at each step in searching for, and buying the most adorable, albeit healthy and affectionate Shih Tzu puppy or in buying a Shih Tzu Dog for online sale in India.
Some Facts About Shih Tzu Puppy For Sale?
Some Shih Tzu dogs and puppies can also have shorter and curlier hair, and their coat can be of different eclectic colours, although white and grey shades are most frequently seen in Shih Tzu puppies and dogs. Also a very distinct feature in the Shih Tzus is their underbite wherein the lower row of their teeth juts out further as compared to the upper row, and hence their teeth protrude over the top lip, but this feature is much required in accordance with their specific breed standard.
Furthermore, these adorable and endearing Shih Tzus have a labyrinth history, and there are quite a few different theories with regards to their initial genesis. One of such widely believed theories, as opined by the dog historians is associated with the Dowager Empress namely Tzu Hsi, who ruled China from around 1861 through 1908, and the Dalai Lama at that time gifted her a breeding pair of a Lhasa Apso and a Pekingese. The Shih Tzus descended from a cross between this pair, thereby laying the foundation of pure line Shih Tzu puppy for sale.